Enhancing aquaculture water quality forecasting using novel adaptive multi-channel spatial-temporal graph convolutional network

Tianqi Xiang, Xiangyun Guo, Chi Junjie, Juan Gao, Luwei Zhang


In recent years, aquaculture has developed rapidly, especially in coastal and open ocean areas. In practice, water
quality prediction is of critical importance. However, traditional water quality prediction models face limitations in handling
complex spatiotemporal patterns. To address this challenge, a prediction model was proposed for water quality, namely an
adaptive multi-channel temporal graph convolutional network (AMTGCN). The AMTGCN integrates adaptive graph
construction, multi-channel spatiotemporal graph convolutional network, and fusion layers, and can comprehensively capture
the spatial relationships and spatiotemporal patterns in aquaculture water quality data. Onsite aquaculture water quality data and
the metrics MAE, RMSE, MAPE, and R2 were collected to validate the AMTGCN. The results show that the AMTGCN
presents an average improvement of 34.01%, 34.59%, 36.05%, and 17.71% compared to LSTM, respectively; an average
improvement of 64.84%, 56.78%, 64.82%, and 153.16% compared to the STGCN, respectively; an average improvement of
55.25%, 48.67%, 57.01%, and 209.00% compared to GCN-LSTM, respectively; and an average improvement of 7.05%,
5.66%, 7.42%, and 2.47% compared to TCN, respectively. This indicates that the AMTGCN, integrating the innovative
structure of adaptive graph construction and multi-channel spatiotemporal graph convolutional network, could provide an
efficient solution for water quality prediction in aquaculture.
Keywords: water quality prediction, aquaculture, spatial-temporal graph convolutional network, multi-channel, adaptive graph
DOI: 10.25165/j.ijabe.20251801.9074

Citation: Xiang T Q, Guo X Y, Chi J J, Gao J, Zhang L W. Enhancing aquaculture water quality forecasting using novel
adaptive multi-channel spatial-temporal graph convolutional network. Int J Agric & Biol Eng, 2025; 18(1): 279–291.


water quality prediction, aquaculture, spatial-temporal graph convolutional network, multi-channel, adaptive graph construction

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