Effect of bioaugmentation on start-up phase of anaerobic digestionat high organic loading rate
bioaugmentation strategy of 0.675 g VS/L of bioaugmentation seed added every 5 d during the first hydraulic retention time (HRT) performed the best and remained relatively stable for the next three HRTs without bioaugmentation. The 16S rRNA gene sequencing analysis revealed that Methanothrix predominated in bioaugmented reactors. A large proportion of Methanothrix accompanied by a small proportion of Methanospirillum played a key role in volatile fatty acid degradation and contributed to the successful start-up and long-term stability of AD at a high OLR. These findings suggest that bioaugmentation with methangenic consortium is a promising strategy to boost the AD process at high OLRs and achieve higher treatment capacity of food waste.
Keywords: high organic loading rate, anaerobic digestion, bioaugmentation, propionate degradation, Methanothrix
DOI: 10.25165/j.ijabe.20251801.9026
Citation: Cheng X Y, Zheng G X, Hu Z Y, Yan M, Zhen F, Li Y, et al. Effect of bioaugmentation on start-up phase of
anaerobic digestionat high organic loading rate. Int J Agric & Biol Eng, 2025; 18(1): 292–298.
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