Effects of condensed distillers solubles and drying temperature on the physico-chemical characteristics of laboratory-prepared wheat distillers grain with solubles

Maria Rosario P. Mosqueda, Lope G. Tabil, Kasiviswanathan Muthukumarappan


Samples of wheat distillers grain with solubles were prepared at 15%, 30%, and 45% condensed distillers solubles (CDS) and dried under 40C, 80C, and 120C to examine the effects of CDS level and drying temperature on their chemical, physical, flow, compression, thermal, and frictional properties. As CDS level increased, protein and ash contents increased while fat and fiber contents decreased. Fat and acid detergent fiber contents were also markedly affected by drying temperature. While CDS level, drying temperature, and their interaction significantly affected a number of the physical properties, results suggest that CDS level had a stronger influence. Samples with high CDS level, for example, were significantly finer, denser, less flowable, and less dispersible than those with lower CDS. These samples also had significantly higher thermal diffusivity and coefficient of internal friction and produced pellets with higher failure stresses than those with lower CDS. Their pellet density increased with CDS level and was also significantly affected by drying temperature. Further, the samples were classified as fairly flowable and floodable and their compression characteristics were adequately described by the Kawakita-Ludde model.


condensed distillers solubles (CDS), chemical composition, distillers dried grain with solubles (DDGS), physical properties, wheat distillers grain

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