Simple model for predicting hourly air temperatures inside Chinese solar greenhouses
growth and health but also determines the management of energy consumption. So reliable monitoring of temperature is of
great significance, and often hourly values are required. However, due to the low level of automation for Chinese solar
greenhouse, the loss or poor quality of climate data often occurs. In order to accurately supplement the missing data, as well as
for the generation of future temperature, a 24-hour indoor temperature prediction model was established. It uses a piecewise
Bezier curve equation that takes the characteristic temperature as the control point which was determined by the outside
weather recording. The 130 d of observed hourly temperature data were used to build and validate the model, and the results
showed that the temperature model proposed was accurate and sufficient for the simulation of the trend curve of hourly
temperature change inside a solar greenhouse. (EF=0.98, R2=0.89). After validation, this temperature model proposed can be
useful for the quantitative analysis of crop growth and optimal management.
Keywords: solar greenhouse, hourly temperature, prediction model, Bezier curve equation
DOI: 10.25165/j.ijabe.20231605.6922
Citation: Dong Q X, Liu J C, Qu M. Simple model for predicting hourly air temperatures inside Chinese solar greenhouses.
Int J Agric & Biol Eng, 2023; 16(5): 56–60.
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