Review of cutting-edge weed management strategy in agricultural systems

Narayan R Gatkal, Sachin M Nalawade, Mohini S Shelke, Ramesh K Sahni, Avdhoot A Walunj, Pravin B Kadam, Musrrat Ali


Weed control in agricultural systems is of the utmost importance. Weeds reduce crop yields by up to 30% to 40%. Different methods are used to control weeds, such as manual, chemical, mechanical, and precision weed management. Weeds are managed more effectively by using the hand weeding method, which nevertheless falls short due to the unavailability of labor during peak periods and increasing labor wages. Generally, manual weeding tools have higher weeding efficiency (72% to 99%) but lower field capacity (0.001 to 0.033 hm2/h). Use of chemicals to control weeds is the most efficient and cost-effective strategy. Chemical weedicides have been used excessively and inappropriately, which has over time resulted in many issues with food and environmental damage. Mechanical weed control improves soil aeration, increases water retention capacity, slows weed growth, and has no negative effects on plants. Mechanical weed management techniques have been gaining importance recently. Automation in agriculture has significantly enhanced mechanization inputs for weed management. The development of precision weed management techniques offers an efficient way to control weeds, contributing to greater sustainability and improved agricultural productivity. Devices for agricultural automated navigation have been built on the rapid deployment of sensors, microcontrollers, and computing technologies into the field. The automated system saves time and reduces labor requirements and health risks associated with drudgery, all of which contribute to more effective farm operations. The new era of agriculture demands highly efficient and effective autonomous weed control techniques. Methods such as remote sensing, multispectral and hyperspectral imaging, and the use of robots or UAVs (drones) can significantly reduce labor requirements, enhance food production speed, maintain crop quality, address ecological imbalances, and ensure the precise application of agrochemicals. Weed monitoring is made more effective and safer for the environment through integrated weed management and UAVs. In the future, weed control by UAV or robot will be two of the key solutions because they do not pollute the environment or cause plant damage, nor do they compact the soil, because UAV sprays above the ground and robotic machines are lighter than tractor operated machines. This paper aims to review conventional, chemical, mechanical, and precision weed management methods.
Keywords: hyperspectral, multispectral, precision weed management, robot, remote sensing, unmanned aerial vehicle, weeds; weeder
DOI: 10.25165/j.ijabe.20251801.9583

Citation: Gatkal N R, Nalawade S M, Shelke M S, Sahni R K, Walunj A A, Kadam P B, et al. Review of cutting-edge weed management strategy in agricultural systems. Int J Agric & Biol Eng, 2025; 18(1): 25–42.


hyperspectral, multispectral, precision weed management, robot, remote sensing, unmanned aerial vehicle, weeds; weeder

Full Text:



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