Mode switching torque distribution strategy of timely four-wheel driven high-gap plant protection machine

Haijun Zhang, Mingwei Guan, Guojun Ji, Ghulam Hussain, Maohua Xiao, Yejun Zhu


The high-gap plant protection machine is taken in this paper as the research object to ensure the good driving power and safety of the high-gap plant protection machine, and the control strategy of inter-shaft torque distribution is established under different working conditions to improve vehicle power and lateral stability. The anticipated demand torque is initially determined based on the structural characteristics and operational principles of the plant protection machine. Subsequently, a hierarchical control framework is devised by incorporating a formulated switching control strategy. Finally, a simulation model for torque distribution control strategy between shafts is developed on the Matlab/Simulink platform, followed by simulation and experimental verification. The results are presented as follows: the inter-shaft torque distribution strategy established in this paper increases the average longitudinal acceleration by 0.13 m/s2 and 0.14 m/s2 under the control of low and high to low adhesion road surfaces, respectively. Under the control of the single-line shifting condition, the yaw velocity can successfully follow the expected value with a maximum value of 0.61 rad/s. The side deflection angle of the center of mass does not exceed 2.8°, which can follow the ideal trajectory and improve power and safety.
Key words: plant protection robot; torque distribution; mode switching
DOI: 10.25165/j.ijabe.20241704.8752

Citation: Zhang H J, Guan M W, Ji G J, Hussain G, Xiao M H, Zhu Y J. Mode switching torque distribution strategy of timely four-wheel driven high-gap plant protection machine. Int J Agric & Biol Eng, 2024; 17(4): 176–184.


plant protection robot; torque distribution; mode switching

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